Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Two Packets of Buscuits And Two Smiles

--by bookworm58, posted Dec 28, 2010

I was at the dollar store the other day and saw an elderly lady picking out things to buy. She kept going back to the Animal Crackers and looking at them. She touched the package a few times before walking on.

I saw that she had mainly household items; paper towels, toilet paper, storage bags, juice, biscuit mix and a couple cans of vegetable soup. I was getting a few things and so I picked up the animal crackers. I usually get some for myself too since they're my favourite.

I got two packets this time.

She was behind me  in line and so I paid for my stuff and whispered to the clerk to slip the cookies in her bag in secret. She kindly put them in a bag before she rang up the ladies stuff so she didnt see what was happening.

As I was leaving I told the lady to have a nice day and she smiled. I heard her say to the clerk that she would get some cookies next time but the clerk said, "You can have them today because the lady ahead of you wanted you to have them for your afternoon tea."

She was happy, I was happy and I know it made her day - all for the price of some crackers! 

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Readers Comments

dreamer22 wrote: That's so sweet!
Michele wrote: How awesome to be able to be observant to pick up on that lady. You were an angel in disguise.

Thank you for sharing.
Jermaine wrote: A nice act of kindness :)
iferlamb wrote: AWESOME!! What a kind gesture! I love it!!!
prettypita wrote: Animal crackers are one of my favorites too and I'm sure she enjoyed every yummy bite! Thoughtful you are!
JuneBug wrote: Who doesn't love animal crackers????? You are too cute for doing that !!! I know the lady enjoyed them even more from your awesome gesture ! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! What a very kind thing to do! :)

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