Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Warm Smiles on a Cold Night

--by iferlamb, posted Feb 10, 2011

Last night my husband and I went to Sonic for an ice cream treat.  It was a little chilly, especially for Texas, because we like it warm and it was too cold not to have a jacket. 

The car hop brought our order and low and behold, she had no jacket. I asked her if she was cold and she said she was freezing but had no jacket. It was no wonder because we are not used to needing jackets down here.   I tried to see if I had one in my car but I did not.  On the way home after we had left, I told my husband my plan.  "When we get home I'm going to get my little jacket and bring it back to her," I said, "It is too cold to be working all night with no jacket."

I did just that.  I also slipped a Smile Card in to the pocket.  When I got there I looked for the car hop who had served us.  She had not come out yet so I asked another car hop if she would give the jacket to her.  She thought it was sweet and said she would.

Driving home I was all smiles, thinking of her being warm instead of shivering all night...

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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: That was awsome, thank you for sharing. I am sure that that coat is going to be turned into a lucky charm for that girl. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
heartofflesh wrote: A very warm thoughtful gesture indeed ! You thought about others need and that is close to God's work !

I admire your act and also get inspired by your deed.

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love that you went back and did that. The smile card in the pocket is a very nice touch! Bless you for your kind heart! :)

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