Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Gift of Service for My School Newspaper

--by flowerpower, posted Oct 24, 2011

Everytime I give, I seem to forget about my own problems, and happen to find happiness in giving too. While I was at school, I was contemplating on what I was going to give as part of my daily giving challenge, seeing that I didn't have anything planned.

I was roaming through the hallway when I was done for the day, but I don't leave until my yellow bus comes, so until then, I stay in school, either staying in the library or volunteering.

I happened to stroll into the cafeteria when I saw one of the deans in the Student Organization ("SO") Office behind the cafeteria, who happens to be a nice friend of mine outside of teaching ;)  Students come to the SO to work on school activities, like arranging the prom, photography, yearbook, etc -- all that fun stuff!  She knew that I  was free for the rest of the day, so she had told me that I could work for her, if I wanted to.

When she said this, a flashbulb went on inside my head, and I was thinking, maybe this can be my opportunity to give.  I said to her, " Is there anything I can help you with?" She said she wasn't too sure seeing that a lot of the students who worked there were already handling things quite well. So I told her to think about it , I'd be happy to help.

Several hours later, while I was walking to the school library, I heard someone call me. Lo and behold, it was Ann, the dean of the S.O.! I automatically smiled at her seeing that I find her in the most random places, usually talking about the joys of life, good stuff like that ;)

This time, she was with another teacher, who happens to be the editor of the school newspaper. She introduced me to him and we got acquainted. She had told him how much I love blogging, especially for sites like HelpOthers. They asked me whether I would be interested in writing for the school newspaper!!! I was all like "OMG!" That would be so awesome, and it was good timing too, seeing that I was thinking about the gift I would give.

I simply replied, "It would be great to be of service in writing for the school paper!" They set an appointment for me tomorrow, to set my working hours, so basically, I GOT THE JOB!!!! :D I was really happy, 'cause not only will I be helping out, I'll also be gettihng to do what I like doing, blogging!!!

I believe this was my gift today, the gift of service. I wasn't sure if it was much of a gift but my head was saying to me, " Hey, don't worry, it's all good!" As George Lopez says, "I got this!" :)

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Readers Comments

madeusmile wrote: Way to go! Good that you got a job doing something you enjoy...that way it won't ever feel like a chore! Plus it will allow you to share good things with so many more people at once!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great flowerpower! The gift of service is wonderful! :)
unknown wrote: Kudos ! Great Flowerpower ... Writing is one of those most rewarding fields if you know what you are writing ... Since you are so motivated, I am sure you gonna come up with a piece that would set a Mexican wave :) and empower the people reading your post downstream ... Way to go !!! Hugs, Deepula.
sabrina wrote: Great. I am sure lot of people would start the 29 days if giving on your campus. Good that you would be doing what you like along with giving. Hugs, Sabrina
annjav wrote: How serendipidous that you get to volunteer and do something you love to do. But you did speak up and make yourself available, and got a nice reward for doing so! Good for you!
moral12 wrote: This was a dual gift: you helping them, and, them giving you the joy of helping. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. Congratulations, blogger! ;)

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