Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Through the Generations

--by RMB333, posted Nov 18, 2011

Many years ago when I was employed, I joined my mother in donating some money to build small houses for six poor families. After their houses were completed, with gratitude in their hearts, we were invited for their house warming ceremonies.  They had lovely homes to live in.  We felt very light and satisfied after seeing them with roofs over their heads. 

Several years passed by, my parents had passed away and I lhad eft my work to lead a retired life. Some time later, I took a meditation retreat trip to Thailand. In these meditation centers, the foreign mediators are given accommodation in seperate areas, where either two women or two men share a single room with a common bath and toilet or a single room with an attached bath and toilet. The local meditators stay in large halls.

The time of the year was such that the meditation center was completely full. Therefore, all foreign mediators had to share the little cottages. But, to my surprise I was granted a single cottage only for myself. I was given a large hot water filter/ flask as wel How fortunate!  

In the night when we had retired to bed, I began thinking about why I had been granted the single room.  In a  flash, I recalled the happy faces of the people to whom my mother and I had gifted homes, which included  donating six pieces of my mother's inherited land, and the roadway.  To me this was a tiny village. 

I was overwhelmed with all that experience and to know that the effects of good karma ripen in this life itself. I am very grateful to my parents and their ancestors and theirs etc.. for their life styles which have come down the line to us. I am sure it will continue to go down from our generation.  

When you give, give with a pure heart.  That is it! 

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: It is wonderful you continue that wonderful gift of kindness! :)
RMB333 wrote: Millions of thanks for your encouraging comments- 'Blxess and MakeSomeoneSmile'...
Wonderful! It has taken TWO to recognize another! Bless you!
trueblue wrote: life turns a full circle ... and because of your beautiful heart and amazing parents your past has given you back beautiful memory's and peace within.. :)
RMB333 wrote: Many thanks, trueblue. Do you remember the saying -'Great minds think a like..?' Sure, you too have a beautiful heart! Bless you!
Bluxess wrote: Kindness begets kindness ... The universe treats everyone fairly :-) Truly a beautiful moment to share ... and thank you for sharing, Bluxess.

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