Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Being the Oldest and the Youngest

--by RMB333, posted Dec 28, 2011

A few years ago, I wanted to do something special for my birthday.  

I remembered how my parents gave me a very special treat when I was a child. I never enjoyed big parties so they decided to celebrate by organizing a party for the local orphans. And that was the most beautiful gift I ever had!

With those memories in mind, ten days before my birthday I placed an order for a huge ribbon cake with lovely decorations. I also applied for a day’s leave from the office where I worked.
On the morning of my birthday I dashed to the cake shop. There it was! A grand, huge, ribbon cake with loads of beautiful decorations! I felt a kid myself!  
I bought some other food stuff to go with the special cake then, smiling broadly, I drove to an orphanage. 
There were now two differant buildings in the same compound. An orphanage and an old people's home run by the same management.  
I went in anyway and it was the most unexpected surprise for the matron and the kids! There were only six young boys in the home that day. They loved their feast! We sang, told stories, painted, cycled, and played in the garden. I felt like the oldest kid there!
When the children's rest time came we realised there was still a lot of food left. That's when the matron had a bright idea. She suggested the elders might enjoy a treat as well.
So, I visted the elders’ home as well! we spent a few hours together, enjoying the food, having a sing-song, swapping stories. This time I was the youngest 'oldy'! What a contrast.  
I finally arrived home - to be met by family who had come to help me celebrate my birthday. 
Two days later the most unexpected beautiful surprises arrived through the post - lovely "Thank You" notes, one from the little children and the other from the elders!
Now when I walk down my memory lane it does bring me loads of peace and heaps of contentment remembering that birthday!



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Readers Comments

maheshv wrote: Good way to celebrate birthday.
moral12 wrote: That was a fantastic idea, and, a fantastic story! Both ends of the age spectrum treated to a wonderful surprise on your special day; you really know how to live it up! Good going! :)
greggie wrote: Love it! Beautiful and creative story, rmb, gratitude for your writeup
HappyDae wrote: Happy birthday! Such a beautifully motivating story. Perhaps each of us will think how we can provide the most happiness on our "special day". God bless you for your generous, giving heart. You reached out to so many and, "the music plays on". Your goodness will be told and retold for many years to come. How many lives you have touched with this one generous gesture! Love and peace, happydae
mhats wrote: I love this story.

gottalovthefam wrote: That was a wonderful thing to do! U r a lovely person. :)
alka wrote: Very moving!
cosmicgunslinger wrote: Great idea for everyone involved! Happy birthday!
Joy wrote: Such a beautiful story. So inspiring. Many blessings to you.
sabrina wrote: Beautiful way to celebrate your birthday. As Jacinda says, its an inspiration for many. I hope you are still smiling. Smilesss , Sabrina

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