Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping A Hungry Women

--by innerjourney, posted Jan 13, 2012

I was on a holiday to the Bay area.

On a cold, rainy day, me and my uncle went to have some fast food.  While we waited for our order to be delivered, I watched a women who came in and sat in a corner. She just sat there. I thought she was just there to take cover from the rain.

A few minutes passed and I had a feeling that she must be hungry and may be didn't have any money to buy food. I just went close to her and asked her if she was hungry and that if I can buy her some food. She replied in the affirmative. So I got her some food and gave the $10 that I had with me and told her that she can have it. 

I could see her face light up with smile and just before I took leave of her she just said - Thank you ... God bless you young man. T

That really did warm my heart. 

So there goes my first kindness experience here in the US. Hopefully, I will have a lot more opportunity to help and connect with people. 

Have a beautiful day everyone and thanks for sharing




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Readers Comments

Jacinda wrote: Thank you for helping others. What a kind act and wonderful post. Thank you for sharing! :)
rimaz wrote: Thank you
bookworm58 wrote: Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I am sure the woman appreciated your kindness alot. I have helped in similar situations too. It is good to help othersl.
susan wrote: It is in giving that we flourish and our heart expands a smile and kind word costs nothing and brings so much
moonshadowdebbie wrote: It is better to give then to recieve. That warm and fuzzy feeling is really great! Thank you for being compassionate and kind. Never loose that!

God bless you
whitby98 wrote: You may have "entertained an angel unaware".
RMB333 wrote: What a beautiful stories. - thanks for sharing. Bless you - innerjourney and also lorri!
lorri wrote: You're a good person. There is a gentleman that most would call a bum that sits outside my post office - each day i go to pick up my mail he greets me with a smile and a "how are you today". Never asks for anything. Most people just walk by, but i've stopped to talk to him and he's lived quite a an interesting life. Not too long ago he appeared not to be feeling well. I went to subway and got him two sandwiches - lunch and dinner. He cried and said "how did you know the mission doesn't feed us on fridays? " . I hugged him and hurried to my car and cried. I thank god every day for the blessings he provides my family and i. This made me even more grateful. Blessings to you and keep up the good work. I passed this story on to my kids.
cathy wrote: So nice there are good people who aren't too busy or self centered to notice.
Christine P. wrote: You're a very kind person. :)

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