Stories of Kindness from Around the World

a BIG brown box!

--by Kat, posted Jul 1, 2006
Normally I would be posting a story about who I gave my smile card too...however, today, I am the reciever!

I recieved a very large cardboard box from UPS yesterday and an even larger suprise! Inside was a wide variety of items, including stuffed animals and books to pass on to the local safe house for my project! Included was a letter, and (of course) a smile card! I think I sat for a good fifteen minutes in complete and total aww! And the smile on my face...well, it's still there!

The contents of that box really inspired me and made me feel really great! So, right now, I am sending a telepathic hug and a super huge THANK YOU to my "smiley" friend in Canada! You really made my day!
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Readers Comments

TS wrote: Wow Kat, what a tag! I've been tagged in a similar way by anonymous smiley friends, so I can completely imagine the excitement and inspiration you must have felt when opening the big brown box. Thanks for sharing your story :)

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