Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Isn't Just For Humans

--by 123u2, posted Mar 12, 2012

My daughter was on her way home when she saw a mother cat and her kitten trying to cross the street. The mother made it across, but kitten didn't. 

No, the kitten did not get hurt but it was left behind, crying for mother. My daughter picked it up and cuddled it. She noticed that its eyes were matted. The poor thing was unable to see. 
She looked all over for the mother cat but could not find her. So, she took the little one to her home and now she plans to take care of it. 
Helping humans is important but let's not forget that animals in distress can also be helped with a little love and kindness.


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Readers Comments

bookworm58 wrote: A true angel you are and we should all take care of the animals that are in our lives. They depend on us and love us no matter what.
bookworm58 wrote: A true angel you are and we should all take care of the animals that are in our lives. They depend on us and love us no matter what.
bookworm58 wrote: A true angel you are and we should all take care of the animals that are in our lives. They depend on us and love us no matter what.
Bluebell wrote: That's really sweet, kindness is for all living creatures, thank you for sharing your kindness story. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
annjav wrote: A true rescue story, if there ever was one! I hope she will have many happy stories to tell from her dear rescued kitten.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Kindness to animals is a reflection of our kind heart too! :)
unknown wrote: what a kind daughter you have. I bet that kitten will give her SO much love in return...

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