Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Tending a Garden With Love

--by myfbil, posted Apr 13, 2012

I know my daughter loves the fresh veggies from her garden but often her garden becomes overgrown with weeds because she doesn't have time to tend to it.  I have made a habit of caring for her garden and love to see how happy she is when she notices the freshly turned soil, all weed-free and watered. I can't always do this because it depends on how much my arthritis is acting up, but it's such a joy to do it when I can.  

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: The smallest kindness will always matter and I'm sure it means more to her than you even know. Bless you for your kind heart! :)
myfbil wrote: Oh, thank you for your kind words. I hope you have a sunshine day (but much cooler than we're having here in the Northeast of USA!). :)
unknown wrote: Despite the difficulties when you do this, it brings a smile not only in her but countless souls like us. Beautiful fbil :)

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