Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Little 'Game of Good'

--by kcsmiles, posted Mar 24, 2012

For the last two and a half years I have been giving out Smile Cards whenever I find an opportunity.

I am sad to admit that my family and I are homeless, we live in a trailer which we were so kindly given by a family member. During this period, I have given out over 200 Smile Cards.  I have always tried to find something kind to do, even when my husband lost his job and we were fighting to get by. 

I have started giving out coupons for free food, plus money for people to get at least one meal, on me. I always put my coupon, gift and Smile Card in a envelope that says "For whoever finds this".

Once I left an envelope on someone's work truck and got back into our trailer. I just happened to look out at the bus later and I saw the guy open my envelope and find the gift.  He read the card and then he looked around to see who had done this. I just smiled to myself, without being found out.  I always leave my gifts where people will find them, but never see me do it - I like it to be anonymous.

Today I saw a car on the side of the highway with the hazard lights on. Further up the road, I saw a young couple walking beside the highway. I pulled over and asked them if they needed a ride to the next exit, after a second the guy said they could really use the ride.  They said "thank you" when I dropped them off at the exit. I try to help others when I can, and sometimes no smile card is needed or given.

It's my little "game of good" and I really enjoy doing it and I hope to keep doing it!

Smiles and Blessings to all!

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Readers Comments

nelly wrote: That's a good job you're doing. May god bless u, but i will be very grateful if help is given to me to enable me take care of my 4 children.
jsmc10 wrote: You have a beautiful soul. Giving things to others even though you are without yourself.

My great wishes to you and your family.
Aditya wrote: Fabulous , u inspire me
Joy wrote: Thank you so much for sharing. May all the good you send come back to you.
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a wonderful thing to do, god bless you
moral12 wrote: Keep your chin up. Good karma will be coming your way, i'm sure. Meanwhile, many kudos to you for playing your little "game of good". :)
thaata wrote: A sufferer easily identifies with other sufferers. But to have that golden heart to give is a valuable possession. Thanks for finding ways to mitigate the suffering of others.
sally1 wrote: Out of nothingness and strife in life, to think of others happiness and bring smile on a weary face is absolutely godliness. You are blessings to others.
KathleenFL wrote: Blessings to you kc. I too have been homesless & was living in my car til i was offered to stay in a vacant rental property up for short sale. I try to help others when i can, but i have some minor physical limitations and i dont go out much. I just dont see anyone :o) so i figured out i could give "smiles" to my online friends, and the first thing i did was tell them about this site. They love it. @mehomeless
Ismael Mercado wrote: You are an inspiration! You are an angel indeed!

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