Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Matter - And So Do You!

--by iferlamb, posted Apr 30, 2012

As I was standing in line at the coffee shop I dropped something out of my purse without realizing it. The lady behind me bent down, picked it up, and handed it to me.

It was a bracelet that my aunt gave me. 
The lady seemed a little shy and even a bit uncomfortable, looking down and away. I asked her, "Would you like to have it? I have another just like it."  
She asked, "What is it?" and I explained. It was a bracelet that says, "You Matter."
She took it. When it was her turn to order I noticed she had already put it on her wrist!
I paid for my order and had a seat to wait for it to be prepared. The lady came and asked if she could sit with me. I said, "Sure!" and we talked a while before I had to go back to work.
It was nice to share my time and my table with this shy lady. I hope it made her day. I know she enjoyed the bracelet. Sometimes it's the personal attention that means the most. 


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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: This is so nice :) you can meet new people in the most unexpected places sometimes :)
debgarr wrote: Stories like this warm my heart and restores my faith in human kindess
SmileSharer wrote: What a kind way to make that lady feel at ease. That was a very nice and selfless thing you did! Smiles forever, smilesharer
SmileSharer wrote: What a kind way to make that lady feel at ease. That was a very nice and selfless thing you did! Smiles forever, smilesharer
unknown wrote: You were so friendly that she couldn't avoid ... Maybe you were also the great refreshment she needed ... esp. when you described how uncomfy the brother was ... Hope they are well and good now ... (-: :-) Deeper.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: The personal attention is something anyone can give! Nice going my kindness hero! :)

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