Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Top 10 Stories of 2012 - Story # 6 Learning Kindness From My Father

--by prasiddhi, posted Dec 26, 2012

When I was 12 years old, I went with my dad to his work - a car showroom.  I was wondering around and I saw a poor woman with a child in her lap standing outside the showroom.  I saw that she was crying a lot and went inside and told my father.  My father went out and asked the woman to come in to the showroom.  He offered her some water and then asked her what was wrong?  

The woman said that her husband had died some months ago and that she doesn’t have anyone else in her family who can help her.  She does some manual labor to earn some money to take care of her daughter but she was sick for the last three days and was unable to go to work.  Now she doesn’t have a grain of food to eat.  While she was relating this story to my father, she was unable to control her emotions and started crying again.  My father and I were deeply moved by her story.  

We got some food for her and her baby to eat.  My father then took them to the nearest hospital for her baby to be treated as he did not seem to be very well.  On the way, we bought her a 5kg back of wheat from the market.  My father gave her some money before we left her.  The lady was so grateful.

It is 8 years later, but that event is still so fresh in my mind.  My father’s kindness to this woman inspired me deeply and since then, I have decided to try and walk a similar path and serve others.  When I came to this website, I was so happy to see so many other people in this world have chosen to walk a service path also.

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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: I have always believed that actions speak louder than words, and, teaching by example is also good. Your father obviously was a compassionate man and you an observant student. Thanks for sharing the story of your father's kindness to this woman. I know how these things can affect us deeply.
Blessed2BKind wrote: Thanks for sharing, i wonder what ever became of that woman and her little one. I hope she is having a blessed life. We need more men like your daddy :) be blessed.
lisa wrote: Your father taught by action as parents always do whether they realize you are watching and learning or not. This was a case of a wonderful lesson. I hope your dad is still around to thank for your lesson to become a good citizen. Keep the caring and sharing going. May you be blessed.
Alex wrote: Prassidh,god bless yuo mightly. How we wish to have a people in you in our country kenya(africa)be blessed
princessliz wrote: Bless his heart for helping her and the baby!

Thanks for sharing :)
thaata wrote: If such good values are inculcated in the early childhood, this world would be a heaven to live in. Good parenting has its rewards and society at large gets rewarded.
touched wrote: I like this story really much! This story really helped me learn something: think about others before you think about yourself. <3333333333333

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