Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pizza and Generosity Delivered

--by Tara23, posted May 19, 2012

I received my "smile" cards in the mail on Friday and was thinking all week what my first "act" was going to be.  There is a local pizzeria that my family frequents, and it gave me an idea. 

My 10-year-old daughter and I went there Saturday afternoon. I asked the person working if someone had called in an order for pick up or delivery.  He checked and he said that there was a delivery going out in a few minutes for a party at a home.  The order was for two pizza's and a few slices on the side. 

I asked him if I can pay the bill and he said,  "WHY?"  I explained it to him, paid the bill and asked him when they delivered the food to please just give them this card. He said he would comply and he thanked us for being kind.

On the way home, my daughter and I were talking about what kind of party it was.  Maybe it was a kids party, or some kids getting together to watch football. We talked about how surprised they would be.. My daughter turned to me and said, "Mom, wouldn't it be cool if they took that card and did something nice for someone else?"  Ah ha!.  EXACTLY the point. 
Thanks for reading my story. 


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Readers Comments

moni wrote: By doing ds great deed, u got two things in one go.

First, blessings of all.

And secondly, a great learning for ur daughter to be a great personality in future.

God bless her and u.

Jami2D wrote: Your a good mom teaching great things! :)
Rita wrote: That inspired me to get some smile cards. <3 warming story. It teaches us to be more creative if we hand out cards, or thinking of when we could start doing this!
mlab wrote: That is just beautiful to me. Can't wait til we get back on our feet again, and start giving. Oh how i miss that high =)

God bless,
Joy wrote: What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing!
Blessed2BKind wrote: That's a great idea, and one i now want to do :) thanks for sharing and inspiring.
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a good idea, i must use it
starryskies wrote: Great idea! :) keep up the good work!
iferlamb wrote: Oh how wonderful! I just love it!!! This is a terrific idea. I think I may just have to follow your lead and do the same. I have a lot of pay it forward to do!!!
unknown wrote: your lil one got the bait ... Thanks for exposing her to the kindness game ...

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