Stories by Tara23 (2 matches)

A Small Gesture Makes A Big Impact

I feel so fortunate as I write this. I signed up to this website last week after my Grandmother died.  I’m hoping to make a difference like my Grandma did. I've been thinking about things to do for others and I've been reading all of these wonderful stories from all of you- and it is truly inspiring. I took my daughter school shopping the other day.  She was on a budget and didn’t want to spend all her money in one place so she was being careful of what she was picking out and how much it cost. We were in the (long) line waiting to pay, and we were adding up everything she had bought.  The lady in front of us must have heard us because she turned around and handed us a 40% off coupon and said we could use it if we liked as she already had one.  My daughter ... Read Full Story >>

4523 Reads

Pizza and Generosity Delivered

I received my "smile" cards in the mail on Friday and was thinking all week what my first "act" was going to be.  There is a local pizzeria that my family frequents, and it gave me an idea.  My 10-year-old daughter and I went there Saturday afternoon. I asked the person working if someone had called in an order for pick up or delivery.  He checked and he said that there was a delivery going out in a few minutes for a party at a home.  The order was for two pizza's and a few slices on the side.  I asked him if I can pay the bill and he said,  "WHY?"  I explained it to him, paid the bill and asked him when they delivered the food to please just give them this card. He said he would comply and he thanked us for being kind. On the way home, my daughter ... Read Full Story >>

4237 Reads

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