Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Stepping In to Make Up a $3 Shortfall

--by jaikarkaur, posted May 23, 2012

Yesterday I was in the electronics department purchasing something small for my son. As I went to check out, a young boy of about 9 was in front of me with a zip lock baggie of money and a video game.

The clerk gave him the price and helped him to count out the money. After the bills and the quarters, it became clear that he would not have quite enough money.  The child kept counting with stress mounting on his face.  The clerk told him that he was $3 short.  The boy's face was so sad. 

While I had been watching this, I had been thinking, "if he doesn't have enough, I 'll pay the difference for him." I was glad that I was prepared because the boy quickly began to sweep the money back into the bag.

I stepped  up and  told the clerk I would pay and reached over to encourage the boy to leave his money.  He was speechless when he heard he would get the game after all.  His mother came up at that point and was mortified  that the child would ask money from a stranger.

Both the clerk and I assured her that the child had not said one word. The rest of the family arrived on the scene and the mother began trying to collect the $3 from them to return the money to me. When I smiled and told her that it was my gift and that I REALLY did not want the money. she shook her head and began to smile. As they were walking away I saw the child was smiling and holding the game close to his chest.

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Readers Comments

ziva wrote: How nice of you. I bet he will never forget the lesson in kindness you showed him! Namaste!
starryskies wrote: Great story! There's nothing more precious than the smile of a child. Thanks for being you! :)
dgrav wrote: In my opinion, there's nothing better than doing an act of kindness for a child, because it will shape him/her for their rest of their lives. And every child in the world can use a little more joy!
ceasons wrote: Those moments really do reach i childs heart. He will not forget you i am sure.

You of course reward both boys a lesson in giving.
sabrina wrote: So sweet of you. A kid's smile is the best gift.So innocent and beautiful. Thx for your kindness. Smilesss, Sabrina
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was very kind of you. Even though some find it so hard to believe that kindness likes yours is still around, bless you for making sure they learn that lesson now! :)
sweetpulp2004 wrote: This little thing can make a kid the best person through out his life..
iferlamb wrote: How cute! Very nice of you!!! It is so nice to be able to help with such a small but still improtant thing especially for a child!
Aurelia wrote: Thank you for stepping forward and following your heart! :) He will remember your gift always. Thanks for sharing with us! ~Aurelia :0) SMiling from ear to ear because of your kindness! :0) Smiles are Contagious
miller30 wrote: Nice. It always feels good to do nice things especially for children. Hopefully he truly understands what you did. Maybe it will affect him in a positive way in the future.

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