Stories by jaikarkaur (2 matches)

Stepping In to Make Up a $3 Shortfall

Yesterday I was in the electronics department purchasing something small for my son. As I went to check out, a young boy of about 9 was in front of me with a zip lock baggie of money and a video game. The clerk gave him the price and helped him to count out the money. After the bills and the quarters, it became clear that he would not have quite enough money.  The child kept counting with stress mounting on his face.  The clerk told him that he was $3 short.  The boy's face was so sad.  While I had been watching this, I had been thinking, "if he doesn't have enough, I 'll pay the difference for him." I was glad that I was prepared because the boy quickly began to sweep the money back into the bag. I stepped  up and  told the clerk I would pay and reached over to encourage the ... Read Full Story >>

1881 Reads

Care For The Care-Giver

I work in low income housing for the elderly. All of the people who live in our buildings are so kind. 

Recently, one of our care givers needed medical attention. She was in a great deal of pain but she still came to work every day. She had no health insurance and no money. She has helped to care for people in our buildings for eleven years and has been a reliable helper for many frail elderly people.  

We tried appealing to several foundations to help pay for her medical tests but  had very little luck. Then we found out that if she could raise about $528 she could get the testing done (with the help of a large foundation grant.)

There are forty-two residents in the building she works in and they all decided to hold a fund-raiser for her, despite being on low incomes themselves. They eventually raised $550! She got her test done and now has a medical plan of action.  

How incredible people are!

1668 Reads

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