Readers Comments
MamaPajama wrote: Your story brought tears to my eyes. You are a beautiful human being. I'm sure they will pay it forward someday when they're able. Many blessings to you!
SmileSharer wrote: That was so kind of you! That brought tears to my eyes, knowing that there are people out there that suffer that much, and knowing that there are people out there like you that are willing to help. Thank you.
annjav wrote: It is heartbreaking to watch people trying to choose which necessities they will do without. Thanks for being such a good example and being aware of their struggle!
Wayfarer wrote: Beautiful! God's work, elegantly done :-)
josietn wrote: Thank you so much for sharing this with the rest of us...
cyrilsmom wrote: u r so wonderful.
Bluxess wrote: Fabulous ! I am sure you probably had twice their joy :-) Immense Blessings to you. Bluxess.
AURELIA wrote: You were meant to be there for them! God Bless you for following your heart ... Smiling because you are awesome :0) ~Aurelia
MichaelR wrote: What a wonderful person you are. Words cannot describe how i feel reading your story. Thank you so much.
Rash wrote: Awesome job! You make a world better place to live with your kindness! Love it.