Stories by crosby2126 (5 matches)

No Cart Needed

I ran into a local store today to pick up a few things.  It was a quick errand, so I didn't take a cart on my way inside.   As I walked around the aisles, I passed by a young couple and their baby. I continued through the store, grabbed the few items I needed, and ended up standing behind this couple in the checkout line. While waiting, I noticed that the young father was clutching his money and nervously watching each transaction on the register. The young mother was cradling the baby in her arms and asked the cashier for a job application.  When the total was rung up, they had to pick items out of their cart because they didn't have enough money. But all their items were basic necessities. It just broke my heart to witness the couple attempt to figure out what they could do without. Somehow ,they managed ... Read Full Story >>

7142 Reads

Helping A Friend Dance With The Stars

I wrote an earlier story about  a friend who was put on hospice care. I would visit her on Tuesday nights and we would talk and have some "girl time". I would do her hair on those visits. I couldn't heal her but for a night she felt beautiful! We would talk and laugh.  And after her hair was done on one of my last visits I put lipstick on her lips and some color on her cheeks. When I held up the mirror for her  to see how she looked she smiled at me and told me she was going to go dancing. I told her to be home before her family got up in the morning! How nice to be at the end of your life and have a sweet dream of getting out of your wheel chair to dance!   When I went for my visit this week the ... Read Full Story >>

5671 Reads

Just 1 Card To Say Happy Birthday...

I have a Aunt who is deaf and lives alone. To communicate with her when we visit we write in her notebook. Her birthday is in March. Last year she was 96 years old. I thought about things I could get her but aside from food there isn't much she needs. So, I decided to I send emails out to a few friends. I told everyone  about my Aunt and asked them if they could please take a few minutes and help celebrate her birthday by sending a card to her.  Little did I know how this one request would impact so many, especially my Aunt! My friends asked their own friends to join in. The cards started arriving every day for a month!! My Aunt was so excited! She couldn't believe so many people were thinking about her.  She recieved over 50 cards! Something so little, that takes just a few minutes ... Read Full Story >>

5600 Reads

Kindness at the Pharmacy

Today is a difficult one. It is my Dad's birthday. He passed away last July from cancer. I so dreaded this day. My husband and I picked up my Dad's sister, who was also just diagnosed with cancer. We took her out to breakfast. She told us that earlier in the week, she had tried to get a prescription filled before starting chemotherapy. She couldn't afford to pay for it, so we decided to stop at a drug store and ask if there was a generic form of the medication that was less expensive. I went inside and began talking to the pharmacist. I was alone at the counter when a women walked up and interrupted: "Excuse me," she said, "I would like to pay for that." She asked how much it was, and placed the money on the counter. I couldn't believe it. She just appeared out of nowhere! I hugged the woman, and thanked ... Read Full Story >>

4767 Reads

It's Not Too Late To Talk

I am writing this story because it is not too late for me to talk to my parents.  I realized this last night when visiting their house while they were away.  I went to freshen it up for their return, and being at their house without them home made me sad.  As I went into their bedroom, I saw little reminders of them -- some Christmas gifts still in boxes and family photos that must have a special meaning to them.  What took my breath away was seeing my dad's tags from his military service to our country. My father never talked about the Korean War.  As I looked at those tags hanging proudly with all the photos that he treasures, I realized that this was an important part of his life, and I never took the time to talk with him about it.  The photos of my mom with friends made ... Read Full Story >>

4366 Reads

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