Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Birthday Tulips

--by annjav, posted Aug 10, 2013

I meet with a group of friends each Wednesday to quilt, visit, and laugh.  
We take turns bringing lunch but the same dear lady always opens her home to our group.
Last week was her birthday and for once I was on the ball. I stopped at the flower shop and purchased a pot of tulips for her.
I am happy to report that she was both surprised and pleased with them, and we all enjoyed them as we spent the day with her. 
She was especially pleased that they were tulips since she is Dutch and most tulips come from Holland. I was just lucky with that!

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Readers Comments

debj wrote: Blessings to you! Great gift.
Mish wrote: That sounds so nice. Getting together like that each week. A blessing, i am sure. Tulips are so pretty. Nice gift.
rash wrote: Thanks for sharing your lovely activity and your love!
petra wrote: Giving people flowers is a very dutch thing to do whatever the occasion we love them! Being thoughtful does bring
Happiness and the feeling of being appreciated. Nice one
Chinedu wrote: Wow thats wonderful
Bluebell wrote: Teh choice of tulips was spot on :-) for a Dutch lady, I am sure it brought her lovely memories of her homeland. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell
princessliz wrote: What a wonderful gift you gave...who knows, from bonding with her every week, you probably read off that this flower would suit her perfectly :)
Have a lovely day :)
Glowworm wrote: Nice one!

Flowers are just the thing to celebrate a beautiful person, which she sounds like she is :)
moral12 wrote: I'm sure she loved the tulips! A very nice way to recognize her birthday. Kudos to you!
Bluxess wrote: Lovely ! Please wish goede morgen from my end ... I lived in the NL for sometime and love the country ... Dutch is special to me :-) Your experience reminds me of the movie, 'The American Quilt' ... lovely movie, have you watched it ...

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