Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Found Before Lost

--by annjav, posted Aug 20, 2012

On my "Lifelist" is the goal of visiting all the states in the U.S. Several years ago, my husband and I were traveling in the Northwest.  While we were enjoying Portland, we were staying in a Bed and Breakfast there.

While carrying in some of the luggage, a cash belt containing over $300 fell onto the pavement on the road.  There was no identification in the pocket and no way for us to be able to claim it, either.  

We went off to drive around and enjoy the city, totally oblivious to our loss. Later on, when I checked my phone, there was a voicemail message from our host at the B&B:

"I have something that belongs to you, and you're going to be mighty happy," was the message.

What???  We got back to our room and there was the money belt on the bed with all the cash in it.  My husband hadn't even realized that it was gone.  

A neighbor's son had found it on the road, and brought it to his dad.  He figured that it must belong to someone who was staying at Mark's B&B and brought it back!

What a wonderful blessing honest people are to our lives! 


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Readers Comments

Harp wrote: So great!
navneet wrote: this world is still full of great people.
jsmc10 wrote: Wow! Bless the honest people out there :)
Sumita Hari wrote: I am so touched to read the story that still honest people are existing and it makes me happy as now i know that honest people are there and by their deeds they will inspire more and more people to walk on the same path. :)
SAVITA wrote: I
It warms the heart. I felt as though i was sitting next to awarm hearth on acold winter day
msn53 wrote: Wonderful story. It reminds me of a day when my then teenage son came home and had a beautiful and expensive camera in his hand. He said he found it in the middle of the road and wanted to keep it "Since we will never know who it belongs to". As we sat together and talked, I asked him how he would feel if he accidently put something on top of his car, forgot it was there and drove away. He immediately said " I'll be right back". About 20 minutes later we recieved a phone call from a young couple. My son had gone to our local police station and turned the camera in telling the Police where he had found it.The young couple had contacted the police saying they figured they would never find their camera, but....
Their call was to thank my son as the camera had pricless pictures taken already, and a week later he recieved in the mail a note and cash reward for his actions. Sometimes, it takes a minute to know what to do,but when you know, life becomes so clear. Every act of kindness begets another act of kindness.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: A wonderful story with a happy ending and a great reminder there is still good in the world! :)
heartofflesh wrote: There are honest people around... a wonderful deed indeed !
Bluxess wrote: Kind people get their kindness back :-)
moral12 wrote: Wow! What a wonderful thing to happen, to get your money belt back thanks to the goodness of that honest young man. I know you were happy; I wish happy karma for that young man, too. Thanks for sharing.

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