Stories of Kindness from Around the World

$3 And A Smile

--by joesmith, posted Nov 23, 2012

I always carry at least $3 in my car and also in my pocket. I save it for the first person who asks if I can "spare some change". Smiling and maintaining eye contact, I always respond very cheerfully with a comment like, "Yes, I would love to" or, "It would be my pleasure". And I give them the $3. 

Then I replace it with my next $3 for the next person. I never spend this money myself. I honor the idea that it is the possession of the next person who asks for it. Three dollars is a small amount, yet it means a lot to the person who might only expect 25 cents, especially when delivered with respect.
I have also taken to carrying items I think the needy may be able to use. I carry hats, socks, gloves, and an umbrella. Recently I put together some care packages for the homeless. It occurred to me that things like band-aids, toothpaste, aspirin, combs, as well as food would be of use. I imagined that they would need things to be non-breakable, so I chose plastic or paper containers. The folks who received them were delighted.
But I think it's not just that I give them things that matters. It's that I see them for the beautiful ray of lights that they are. I know that they are unique expressions of the Divine and that this is how they are at the current time, not who they are. I am glad to also give a hug and a smile with the money. And I always remember it is they who bless me with the opportunity to be kind! 
In fact, yesterday a young lady to whom I gave the three dollars and a hat, asked if I could use a spare pair of gloves she had! So I accepted them for the next person who needs them. I was so touched that she wanted to give me something. She gave me more than she guessed!


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Readers Comments

denisemj wrote: What a Wonderful way to give to those in need. You are bringing so many Smiles to the lives of the homeless. The care packages is a Neat idea. Thanks for sharing and caring about the homeless :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: God loves a cheerful giver and I do too! I love that you are prepared with your $3 gift ready to go! :)
buglips wrote: I enjoy how you make the human connection to those who are invisible to 99% of the public. Your genuine outreach is a rarity. May your example inspire all!
heartwarmer wrote: Love your "care packages" idea. We often focus on providing food to the homeless, but those other things are important too!

Thank you for your kindness and for sharing your ideas. Going through my closets tomorrow!
Loretta wrote: This will be my 10th year doing what i call stocking stuffer presents (less than 10. 00) for my grandchildren. At my christmas luncheon i also give them a card with money in it. Then i tell them the reason for the season and i put a decorated peanut butter jar in the middle of the table. Everyone makes a donation. During the year we select a charity and usually get a thank you note. I put our xmas luncheon pictures and the note in a scrap book. Over the years our donations have allowed to give approximately $450. 00 to a charity. We all look forward to the celebration and the children learn the gift of giving at a early age.
peacehunter wrote: Beautiful soul. Thank you for your ripples as i feel a wave of love reading this. Xo
myfbil wrote: You are such a beautiful person. You are an inspiration. Wonderful suggestions.

Have a sunshine day! :)
aretailhawk wrote: Thank you for reminding us everyone is of value despite their circumstances. I will henceforth have ready-money for the next pson who asks, and offer it graciously and with gratitude for the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way.
mikeywho51 wrote: It is so important to help people less fortunate,itry to do that on regular basis. Iam not rich or famous but try to help as much as possible.
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a wonderful idea, such people make the world a better place to live in.

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