Readers Comments
unknown wrote: what a beautiful story......and kudos to you for following your heart and not your head. You recognized her heart and soul, instead of taking the outward picture of a homeless person or a demented one. You meant so much to her because you could understand her. Bless you for that.
annjav wrote: That is a perfect example of kindness that costs nothing in terms of money, but everything in terms of imparting dignity and caring. You're a wonderful example, and told your story very well. Thanks for that!
annjav wrote: That is a perfect example of kindness that costs nothing in terms of money, but everything in terms of imparting dignity and caring. You're a wonderful example, and told your story very well. Thanks for that!
mssmileyface wrote: That is truly a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing it!
moral12 wrote: Your story brought tears to my eyes. Not many would be so understanding as you were with this lady. Bless you many times over for taking the time to sit and pray with her. I know she took comfort from you.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a wonderful story! It is a great reminder that the smallest acts of kindness can make the biggest difference to someone. Thanks for caring and being the change in the world! :)
swans10 wrote: Even a small act of kindness could mean so much to another..beautiful story..thank you so much for sharing..God bless you..:)
BlueSky wrote: You were there when she needed you the most. Too often we run away from what we do not understand. But, you cared enough to listen and sometimes that is all a person really needs.
bilkis yusuf wrote: What a wonderful story of kindness to someone u don't know, there are many in this world who don't have time to sit with their family and share their feelings
Mish wrote: Wow. That is some story. Thanks for sharing and may you be blessed as you were a blessing to that woman.