Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Grandma's Breakfast at IHOP

--by Kat Callaway, posted Jul 26, 2006
I have been using the smile cards for quite a while, and I try to get my family members to do it with me. It is a lot of fun.

Recently, my grandparents went on a trip to New Mexico, and on their way home they stopped at an IHOP to eat breakfast. When they had finished, the guy came over with the bill, but when my grandfather opened up the folder containing the bill, there was nothing!

The waiter said the a young man had paid for their breakfast! They were so suprised! My grandmother called me and told me the story and said that "wasn't it like those cards that I used!" And I said yes, it was. She thought that it was awesome and now she wants some cards!

It just goes to prove that if you do nice things for others, nice things will happen to you!
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Thaata wrote: Normally we remember bad things that happen to us and forget good things. We remember god only when we are in trouble and forget him during our happy times. Kind acts linger on for a long time because they are surprise delights and inspires us to do the same.

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