Stories of Kindness from Around the World

100 Acts Of First Grade Kindness

--by kidzfirst, posted Sep 20, 2013
I teach first-grade children and the 100th day of our school year is approaching soon. This is a big math day with lots of activities centered around 100.  
Last year I connected the 100th day to kindness and I have just kicked off the same project today with my current class. 
We had been talking about Martin Luther King Jr and his dreams of peace and kindness. His birthday was approaching so we talked about acts of kindness we could do at home or in school, then I challenged the children to do 100 random acts of kindness from Doctor King's birthday until our 100th day of school.  
The children were so excited to get started. Today was the official day to begin.
We finished the day with 10 acts of kindness recorded. Parents emailed with comments about how great the project idea was and shared how their child helped a new baby, helped organize breakfast, and stopped fighting with a sibling! In school children were found helping others at lunch and in the library.
I write each act on a paper heart and then we put them on a big mural in the shape of 100. 100 beautiful acts of kindness in the shape of a giant 100!  
Last year we just barely got the 100th act on the 100th day of school. This group of kids seem very eager and I think we may get more than 100 in our two weeks. It's a blessing to see how they are striving to find ways to help others!
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Readers Comments

jsmc10 wrote: This is such an amazing idea! Thanks for getting the acts of kindness idea started so young and thanks for sharing :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome! I can't wait to read more about how it goes. It truly does make a difference! :)
bluebell wrote: So good to see so much loving kindness at work.
Pearl R. Jariwala wrote: Hey keep going on thanks for sharing it
gemtiger13 wrote: Just love to see things like this going on with young people. Awesome work!
wildchild73 wrote: What a great way to bring kindness to the world by teaching children to give:) this is life changing for them
& a huge positive ripple in the world! Thank you!
margaretz63 wrote: I teach second grade and i will definitely being doing this! Thank you for the wonderful idea!
Cyana wrote: Beautiful and inspirational idea. Your first graders are our future. Your teaching of kindness to your class will change the world and make it a better place. Blessings on you and your first graders.
Katw67 wrote: A great book to go along with this idea: each kindness by jacqueline woodson, author of the other side.
AnaMacario wrote: Such a sweet and helpfull ideia, i bet they'll never forget it and sets the seed so they do it all life long!

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