Readers Comments
jsmc10 wrote: This is such an amazing idea! Thanks for getting the acts of kindness idea started so young and thanks for sharing :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is awesome! I can't wait to read more about how it goes. It truly does make a difference! :)
bluebell wrote: So good to see so much loving kindness at work.
Pearl R. Jariwala wrote: Hey keep going on thanks for sharing it
gemtiger13 wrote: Just love to see things like this going on with young people. Awesome work!
wildchild73 wrote: What a great way to bring kindness to the world by teaching children to give:) this is life changing for them
& a huge positive ripple in the world! Thank you!
& a huge positive ripple in the world! Thank you!
margaretz63 wrote: I teach second grade and i will definitely being doing this! Thank you for the wonderful idea!
Cyana wrote: Beautiful and inspirational idea. Your first graders are our future. Your teaching of kindness to your class will change the world and make it a better place. Blessings on you and your first graders.
Katw67 wrote: A great book to go along with this idea: each kindness by jacqueline woodson, author of the other side.
AnaMacario wrote: Such a sweet and helpfull ideia, i bet they'll never forget it and sets the seed so they do it all life long!