Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"You Raised A Wonderful Child, Mom."

--by kidzfirst, posted May 27, 2013
I feel like I am always either at school, sports practice or a game, so I have to find different ways to do little acts of kindness.  
My good friend and co-worker has a mom dealing with cancer who is living with her during treatment. I decided to send this mom - whom I've never met - a card thanking her for raising such a wonderful person. I told how her daughter was such being a good listener, someone who I can share my troubles with, and someone who makes me laugh.
I was a little uneasy about it afterwards and wondered if my friend would think it strange.  
Tonight while sitting at basketball practice I received a text from my friend. She wanted to tell me that the card I sent her mom was one of the most beautiful things she had ever read and how lucky she was to have me in her life! 
I'm glad I went with my gut feeling and sent the card. What was the worst that could happen? Mom and daughter could have a good laugh at my craziness, but so what? They could use some laughter right now. They could have talked about how strange I was, but even then they'd be talking about the card I sent.  
I got lucky and they enjoyed sharing the kind words.
I sent it because I thought how neat it would be one day to have someone send me a card telling me how happy they were to have one of my children in their lives and what a great job I had done raising my child!
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Readers Comments

Wes6 wrote: Can i please see the poem
I can't read it
Kidzfirst wrote: Update: earlier this year my friend’s mother passed. My friend was packing up her mom’s house and came across the card i had sent. Her mom had kept it all these years. My friend couldn’t believe her mom still had it and had her own special moment rereading my kind words. 🙂
crazydane wrote: What a wonderful idea and so caring of you to do. Warmed my heart today to read this. You have blessed a lot of people too by sharing it (((( ))))
caitlinjo wrote: We had a few days after school was out where teachers had to get together & work on deconstructing standards for the common core. This may not seem much like the article, but the actions were inspired by a similar post. After spending a great deal of time working together to create the work we were being asked to do, we got copies of it to look over. My school's principal wanted to see the work so i showed her what we had done. She was impressed by it; so after lunch i told the group her reaction. They responded that it was nice to hear that response as we weren't usually given that kind of encouragement. Later, i had the opportunity to tell another friend how much she was helping the students at her school with scholarships. She asked how i knew what she was doing. I responded that i had seen many kids in the paper or heard about scholarships they had received & knew she was in charge of much of that at her school. If we have something good to share about someone, it seems the first person who should be told is the person themselves. We may assume they know, but they might not. At best, we make someone's day!
cabbage wrote: What a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing :-)
Peacehunter wrote: We should all have your kind of crazy my lovely! What a grateful story. I got goosey bumps xo
shalarx wrote: Awesome!
LinnieLou wrote: You are so wonderful, you have blessed me with your kind words. You said, "what's the worst that can happen". You opened my eyes, to see what i couldn't before. I needed to read this, today. I have agonized over something. I want any more, after reading this. So what if someone thinks i am crazy, it doesn't matter to me now.

Thank you for blessing your friend and her mother. And for your blessing me with those words. May god bless you and may he, double it up.
jsmc10 wrote: I'm so glad you did go with your gut feeling aswell :) this warmed my heart, just reading this. I hope this helps them. You are an amazing, caring person kidzfirst :)
Mish wrote: Yes, sometimes we might be called "weird" for some of the kindness acts we do, but if it comes from the heart we must never hesitate to act. Glad you did what you did! And, I am sure everyone you spend time round knows just how special a soul you are... we all do!

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