Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Garden Cards

--by kidzfirst, posted Jul 26, 2013
I recently posted an article that was written about my class’s Random Acts of Kindness Project and was also shown on our county’s website.  
A county employee read the article and was so touched by it she pledged to do five random acts of kindness that day in honor of our class!
She sent the children stickers that day. The next day she sent them lollipops. A few days later she sent a CD she made, entitled "Random Acts of Kindness Songs." 
I was so touched by her generosity and effort that I decided to have the kids make something for her. I took Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Kindness Garden" poem, printed it on cards and had the children make fingerprint flowers to decorate the cards.  
We sent two dozen of these to our new friend and asked her to share them with those around her. She sent an email back saying her heart was full and her eyes were welling with tears.
It has been a wonderful exchange of kindness and I hope she uses the cards we sent to touch many more hearts. 
“Kind hearts are the gardens 
Kind thoughts are the roots
Kind words are the flowers
Kind deeds are the fruits
Take care of your garden 
And keep out the weeds
Fill it with sunshine
Kind words and kind deeds”
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: You always amaze!!!!! :))
FairyBubbles wrote: You and your class do such lovely things you make me want to cry with happiness.
jsmc10 wrote: such a beautiful back and forth of kindness :) its still an amazing story without the pictures :)
Dobby wrote: You're doing such a good job of spreading the kindness bug! First your class, and now it's spreading out to your community. Now, there's a "bug" worth spreading!
denisemj wrote: A Lovely idea! Thanks for making Kindness so beautiful! Smiles :):)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! I love when acts of kindness inspire more acts of kindness! :)
geetamehta wrote: This is one virus- "kindness virus" no one would mind spreading! It sure is contagious!

How blessed the children are to have an inspiring teacher like you who so cleverly not only taught the importance of kindness but to appreciate and thank others for their kindness. Introducing wordsworth's beautiful poem was a bonus. Brilliant lesson.
Mish wrote: Your story is higlighted today. Did you notice? !

Rash wrote: Excellent story. I needed something like your story to boost my day. Thanks for sharing.
cabbage wrote: Thank you so much for the story and the poem! I never heard that poem before, it is so beautiful! Thank you :-)

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