Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Name I Won't Forget

--by Dobby, posted Aug 18, 2013
Tuesday night, at confession, Father gave me the usual penance: prayers. Then he hesitated and said, "I'm going to give you a second penance, a fun one, 'cause I know I can do this with you. You are to do an anonymous act of kindness for someone. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as they don't know about it."

I decided to give a thank you card and a chocolate bunny to the cleaning woman at work. She's such a cheerful person and she does such a terrific job. The only problem was I didn't know her name!

I asked my co-workers. None of them knew. I emailed my boss (I knew she would know), and as I was doing that, one of my co-workers started instant messaging everyone in the plant for her name. No one knew. It was pretty embarrassing for all of us!

Finally, my coworker got a response from someone who knew her name. Simultaneously, my boss emailed me. This co-worker then instant messaged everyone she had contacted and told them her name.

So, the very small act of kindness I had had in mind morphed into an even better one! Now we all know her name.  And we won't forget it either, especially after the very special way we all found out! :-)
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Readers Comments

princessliz wrote: I wonder if this came at the right time for her. Imagine working somewhere and no one called you by your name.
Thanks for selecting her, this was a good kindness exercise.
Mish wrote: Perhaps Father & you were used as her Angels Liz says, maybe she needed o be "recognized"... perhaps a little "miracle" here?????
DeniseM wrote: What a wonderful gesture! Good going.
Dobby wrote: I agree Liz and Mish. God works in neat ways if we're willing. So thank God Father listened and gave me the "penance" and I acted on the person He put in my thoughts!
jsmc10 wrote: Something else came out of this, you all got to recognise her :)
FairyBubbles wrote: Oh Dobby, you are so lovely. (((HUG)))
Dobby wrote: Interesting update: because of my co-worker's IMing so many to find out her name, now everyone's wondering why. Only the people in my area know I'm the one who asked and they've asked me why did I want to know. I just told them because I wanted to be able to call her by name.

I can feel an actual shift in the atmosphere around here due mainly to so many people becoming aware that they didn't know her name even tho we see her every day and she's so pleasant to us. There's been a good change in attitude in us.
denisemj wrote: How Lovely! People now know her name and she was acknowledged with Kindness. Thanks for caring! Smiles :):)
Bluxess wrote: What seem to have been a child's play turned out to be the light in all your lives. Oftentimes, it is us who receive help in the name of giving :-) Great sharing ...
cabbage wrote: That is so wonderful---and I am sure that she will be happy to have you all call her by her name! Simple thing, but means a lot....

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