Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Road To Acts Of Kindness

--by Alraisi, posted Sep 29, 2013
More than a week ago I decided to do something that I called "A Smile Card a Day Makes the World a Better Place".  I've been doing an act of kindness every single day and giving away Smile Cards with it.

Yesterday on my way back home from school I stopped at a restaurant that I always go to. It was almost 10pm and that's when the close. I ordered some takeway food and sat and waited for it to be ready. The girl that took my order was mopping the floor and singing and I have to say she had a very beautiful voice. I started talking to her and told her how beautiful her voice was and I gave her a Smile Card. She loved how the card says 'Smile' on it because another customer calls her "Smiley".

I then told her the rules of the Smile Card and she was very excited to do an act of kindness and giveaway her card. So, I grabbed another card from my wallet and I told her to keep one and give the other one to someone. She was very happy and said "I didn't think there were people out there doing stuff like that". She loved the idea of Random Acts of Kindness and she said she'll be joining for sure :D

There are people out there waiting for us to lead them to the Kindness Road. Let's help them find the path. It will only cost us a SMILE!  
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love all of the great ways you find to spread kindness my friend! Keep up the great work! :)
shreyansh wrote: What a great way of passing kindness. Keep going. :)
linneamaren wrote: Beautiful - you really did change the world by one more person.
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DeniseM wrote: What a privilege we all share to be "trendsetters" for kindness!
Lawrie wrote: Thanks for the appreciation you showed the girl its such a precious gift. The guesture stays in the mind and brings a smile as often as one thinks of it. Nice to know she is ready to come on board more strenght to both of you. :):)
jsmc10 wrote: yay :) sounds wonderful :)
jermaka wrote: Thank you! This story has lifted my Spirits.
Mish wrote: Thanks for spreading the kindness in this way. :))
Dobby wrote: Wonderful story! Hey, if we don't tell people, they won't know. I tell people about HO all the time. Have no idea if any have taken the step to join, but at least the seed is planted.

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