Stories of Kindness from Around the World

New town, new school, and Lady bugs!

--by Kat Callaway, posted Sep 8, 2006
I recently moved to a new a week ago...and started my first year in college! I didn't know anyone, but I met this girl while I was working on the school newspaper. She, like myself, is very clumsy! The third day of school, while I was at work, she came in and had this huge moon boot on. She had broken her toe. The next day they put a cast on it. She was really bummed out. So I offered to come over later that night, and hang out with her. What she didn't know was that I am an artist, so when I got there, we were talking and she kept talking about how ugly her cast was, and I said, "Well, let's change that!" I grabbed a permanant marker and within an hour her bright red cast was covered in lady bugs! Her favorite thing! We had so much fun, and guess what, now I have a friend! Just goes to prove that if you go out of your way to be nice to people, it can be rewarding!
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Readers Comments

Cynthia wrote: Me, too!! Nice example!
Mary Beth wrote: What a wonderful and unselfish thing to do, especially to someone you didn't really know! I'll bet ya'll will be good frends now. Thanks for the good seed you planted in the girl (and me!)

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