Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Window Seat

--by soulsista, posted Sep 14, 2006
I was on the second leg of my trip from Oakland to New Mexico--Phoenix to Albuquerque.  Phoenix was excrutiatingly hot--110 degrees!  I had a window seat and there was another fairly petite girl sitting in the aisle seat. 

At the last minute, a very tall man came to our row--he was the intended middle inhabitant of our little row.  He looked flustered and none to thrilled to be in the middle seat--who is really, right?  I immediately thought that this was a person to tag--however he was on the phone so I had to wait to tag him.  As soon as he got off, i asked if he wanted the window seat.  He said "For real?"  I said absolutely.  He had a smile on his face the rest of the flight, as did I.
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