Ok, I'm getting started!
1. I crocheted a bag and added 44 (an angel number) smilestones to it for a friend's bday, so that she can commit acts of kindness herself; she will LOVE it. :)
2. I put together envelopes decorated with a simple smiley, containing the poem and a smilestone, and a pal and I crept around the grocery store parking lot placing them on windshields, after which we'd scurry back to the car and watch them be retrieved by the car owners. TOO much geeky fun, I tell you.
3. Last night I handmade a bunch of colorful smile cards. The same pal and I laminated them, and took them with us on our mission. On the way back from the grocery store we hit Mickey D's for sundaes. We asked to pay for the car behind us (the drive through worker was quite confused, but amenable) and gave him a card to give to the car behind us as well.
Through the windshield we saw the occupants smiling, reading the card the window guy handed them, and really getting a kick out of the experience. We managed to get our ice cream and take off before they could see us up close. Woohoo!