Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Soldier's Dinner

--by KitKat, posted Nov 17, 2006
My mom just got back from a teacher's convention in Nashville Tennessee, and they went to a restaurant where there was this soldier eating dinner all alone. She decided to pay for his meal but when they went to do it, someone had already done it! The waiter said he couldn't believe how many people were willing to pay for a complete stranger's dinner.

Then, on her plane ride home, there was another soldier on the plane and he was headed home to see his family. The flight attendent was talking to him and said that they would like to offer him a free seat in first class!

So it looks like the random acts of kindness are kicking off!!!
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Kim wrote: They work so hard protecting our freedoms it's nice to see that others appreciate that and want to give them a little kindness too.

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