Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A circle of kindness

--by serendipity, posted Nov 17, 2006

This weekend I was reminded about how  the workings of the Universe really connect us all! 

On Saturday in the late afternoon, I realized I lost my wallet. I returned back to the mall thinking I must have dropped it in the parking lot, so I retraced my steps to look for it.  When I didn't find it there, I started gettting very nervous and went inside to the lost and found to see if someone turned it in.  One of the security officers spent an hour trying to help me figure out where I could have lost it!  We went back to the parking lot and I saw the woman that had parked her car right after mine the first time I was there. 

I ran up to her with a smile thinking maybe she had found my wallet.  As I approached her, I saw a smile on her face and then I asked her, "Excuse me, do you remember seeing a wallet near your car as you came to the mall today?"  She had a peculiar look on her face and said,  "No, I am sorry but have you seen my keys?"  She then told me she thought I was coming to her to give her back her keys that she lost and I thought she was smiling because she found my wallet.  Both of us look at the security guard and  were thinking "Now what?"  He asked both of us to go to his office to fill out some paperwork and as I was thinking about my wallet, I overheard the woman saying her keys had a small white pocket purse attached to it and something triggered in my head. 

I had seen her keys!  They were downstairs at the valet booth.  I remember seeing them when I was looking for my wallet and the valet man showed me that a white pocket purse with keys attached to it was all that was found that day.  I told her that most likely her keys were downstairs and her face just lit up and she gave me a kiss on my forehead.  At that point, losing my wallet did not seem like a big deal because I realized that something good came out of this whole thing anyhow :) 

By chance I lost my wallet and by chance I decided to check at the valet booth and by chance I ran into her at the right time one hour later and by chance I was able to help her. Soon I decided to go home and she thanked me several times and stated that I hope you find your wallet.  Well, it turns out a girl found my wallet and left me a message on my phone that night after she looked up my information on the internet and told me she will meet me tomorrow to return it.  I was so happy and so thankful. 

The next day I got two cards, one for the security guard and one for the girl. Also, I got her a small teddy bear saying "Thank you" to show my appreciation for the kindness I was shown.  Somehow, we are all connected and this last weekend I was able to feel that circle of connection, a circle that was created by kindness

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Readers Comments

Tristin wrote: funny how the world works huh : 0)
Kim wrote: Small world - it's so truly true!
That was kind of you to return the kindness in the form of gifts to those that helped you.

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