Stories by serendipity (2 matches)

Drawing a Smile

I spent most of last Saturday painting and drawing.  I realized how quickly time passes by when you are inspired by a "feeling".    The next day I realized that it would be even nicer if I could extend that inspiration so I left a drawing in front of my sister's home with a smile card and a rose...  I hope she liked it. :)

2077 Reads

A circle of kindness

This weekend I was reminded about how  the workings of the Universe really connect us all!  On Saturday in the late afternoon, I realized I lost my wallet. I returned back to the mall thinking I must have dropped it in the parking lot, so I retraced my steps to look for it.  When I didn't find it there, I started gettting very nervous and went inside to the lost and found to see if someone turned it in.  One of the security officers spent an hour trying to help me figure out where I could have lost it!  We went back to the parking lot and I saw the woman that had parked her car right after mine the first time I was there.  I ran up to her with a smile thinking maybe she had found my wallet.  As I approached her, I saw a smile on her face and then ... Read Full Story >>

1894 Reads

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Lost Wallet and six-hundred Dollars worth of Kindness