Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Shirt Off My Back

--by youandme, posted Feb 9, 2014
Today I had the thrill of giving someone the shirt off my back! 

For the past four days I have been participating in a disability arts festival as a member of a choir set up specifically to perform at this festival. Yesterday, after our performance, I was feeling a bit sad thinking that this might be the last time I would sing with this amazing group of people. 

I was putting on an oversize, custom-made, raw silk shirt with mother-of-pearl buttons that I have been enjoying wearing when it occurred to me to give the shirt to the first person who said they liked it. 

After our performance, as choir members were winding down and changing, the director of the procession said she loved my shirt. So, I happily took if off and gave it to her. She immediately put it on, saying, "Can I give you some money for it?" and "Why in the world would you do this?"

Then she told me about a silk shirt she has kept for years, despite a large coffee stain in the front, because she loved it so much. Now, she can finally throw that shirt away.
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Readers Comments

moral12 wrote: That was obviously meant to be/happen. Great gesture on your part! Thanks for sharing.

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