Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Who did it?

--by Flowers, posted Dec 23, 2006

One Christmas I had a bit of fun in the work place.  I worked in a postal delivery/business center and one day before Christmas while all the posties were out delivering their mail I went around to each posties sorting frame and left some chocolates. 

It was so much fun to watch their reactions as they came back from delivering the mail, all wondering who had done this to them. 

I am not sure who felt more pleasure from this, the posties because someone recognised them or me for the simple joy of knowing I had made a bunch of people feel special.  Still brings a tear to my eye!

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Readers Comments

Aiya wrote: That was so sweet of you! They must have really loved that, what an awesome and simple idea! Kudos!
reshma Kurup wrote: A very happy new year to you friend...
What a joy in doing random acts of kindness.. Love only increases the more you spread it around...

Keep spreading the love and keep smiling..
Hugs and wishes to you
Ginny wrote: That is really sweet way to say thank you. It means a lot those of get the gift
hiloecho wrote: Years back someone did something similar to my parents. For twelve consecutive days they found a representation of each of the 12 days of Christmas on the doorstep. The thing I like is that the neighbor whomever they were never said it was me/us and I can just imagine their delight knowing how surprised and happy and curious my folks were.

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