Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ripples In The 5th Grade

--by rkanani, posted Sep 28, 2014
Today, after having my 5th grade students share stories about what makes them smile, I shared the 21-day kindness challenge with them. They were super excited! 

I had them write down kindness ideas in their journal. 

As soon as school ended students were coming back into the class to secretly slip mechanical pencils and other small gifts into other students' desks! 

One student came up to me and gave me a hug and said, "This is just the beginning!" The kindness ripples have begun!
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Readers Comments

Rajni wrote: Sowing the seeds of kindness in the minds of kids is real teaching. You did a wonderful job of inspiring students to do kind acts that definitely change their life for better- a worthwhile life. Thanks for sharing.
aledendecker wrote: Children are naturally inclined to be kind, so it is important to give them opportunities to practice. Bravo! Think of how this will become a part of them through life.
ultrasteph wrote: Starting them young is the best way to ensure kindness becomes a way of life and not a novelty! Thank you for helping to shape kind young people into kind adults!
dirigo2me wrote: What a great teacher,. Such a positive lesson!
joriek177 wrote: That is great, what lucky kids they are!
gfoody4 wrote: Such a powerful thing to share with 5th graders- fantastic!
Sheryl wrote: Love this!
braunsheryl wrote: Love this!
sandyremillard wrote: Wonderful ripples. Kindness ripples. Namaste!
vickistanley04 wrote: I cannot figure out how to give karmabucks

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