Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Challenge! Daily Double

--by Hanuman, posted Oct 3, 2014
I was happy to receive this morning's 21 day challenge idea of reconnecting with an old pal and so I reached out to two of my old college roommates, expressing gratitude for their roles in shaping an earlier version of myself.

After sending out a heartfelt email, I went to get my morning health shake from the juice store around the corner. I also stopped at a coffee shop to pick up a snack for a co-worker when the lady behind the counter (Lucy) commented on how I should bring her a juice one day, so I smiled and just gave her mine since I hadn't drank it yet!

She thought I was joking at first, but  was ultimately taken aback by the surprise act of kindness. This was so great since the Day 1 act of kindness was giving away a special treat to someone, which I did yesterday.

It isn't even 8:30 am yet and I just got a double act (opportunity) of kindness...can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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Readers Comments

belinhafernandes wrote: You did start early! Ahaha! She thought you were joking! I can imagine her face! Well done! I did also start early! As i joined the site so late yesterday i could not finish my day1 challenge. Now i'ts done and i am thinking day2!
in2mindfulness wrote: I cant wait to read the rest of your day! Go, hanuman go!
wavingatyou wrote: Great fun :)
lynwhitcomb wrote: I love your story! Thanks for sharing.
smileswithhope wrote: Love the spirit of kindness in your story! :) thank you sharing, and thank you for being you and making hearts smile! :)
sandyremillard wrote: Good for you and for the kindness spirit that arises in this and any similar situation. Namaste!
jomartin87112 wrote: yea you!

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