Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Teaching with joy

--by austinfriends2, posted Feb 6, 2007
My daughter has a Physics teacher that teachs with joy. She loves science and passes this passion on to her students. This is a High School Teacher. Can you imagine this age child enjoying a Physics class?

She is young and newly married and is devoted to teaching. Her family does not live close by, so we have adopted her in a secret way.

We send her notes telling her how much she inspires her students. We have sent her movie tickets, a New Years basket with Champagne, hats and noise makers encouraging her to take time to enjoy her new marriage and spend fun time with her husband.

 Recently in our part of the country it has finally gotten into the freezing temperatures, so we have treated her to a "Hot Chocolate  Kit" , encouraging her to keep warm.

 Small notes to encourage her to take care of herself, so that she can then take care of her students.

It is fun for us and we hope she enjoys it also.
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Readers Comments

tambu wrote: What a thoughtful gesture!
ieiblue wrote: am a teacher too.. and thank you for taking care of her...
misskarla wrote: I know how very important a teacher can be to both the child and the parents, even grandparents. (like me!) Not many parents take the time to show there appreciation which is so sad. But, they will sure act up if little Johnny is having a problem. I will never forget my first teachers conference for my daughter, she was 6 years old. There were 4 teachers sitting at a table in the library waiting for me. I could tell their feathers were ruffled. These ladies were used to "Oh, my little Johnny would never do that!" We talked for a while and I agreed that my daughter was a busy bee, always wanting attention and talked all the time. Then I said "I don't know where she got it, it must be from her daddy!" We all started laughing and the ice was broke. Of course they knew she had gotten her taking from me, I talk all the time! he he They were nice ladies and good teachers but, after dealing with so many parents who think their kids can do no wrong they were on the defensive. It's no wonder they feel unappreciated. Parents need to show them some respect and appreciation for what they do for our kids. And not just on Teacher's Appreciation Day!
I have a beautiful 5 year old granddaughter who is autistic. You can say I am a very defensive grandparent. But, she has had teachers who are nothing less than Saints in my eyes. We write back and forth everyday in a notebook we keep in Summer's backpack. I like to send them little somethings every so often to let them know how very much we all appreciate the work they are doing and how wonderful Summer is improving. I can only imagine what they must go through daily. They need a big hug every day! Most people would run out of Summer's classroom screaming, "I QUIT!" I know it sounds funny, but it is so very true! I do hope your posting will stir people up enough to "pass it on!"
reshma Kurup wrote: Iam just this act of love and care will only spread everywhere...

hugs to you
Samsonmybf wrote: That is so nice of you and your family! Teachers are often unappreciated, and it is one of the most important jobs!
Bless you !
serendipity wrote: That is so thoughtful! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great way to appreciate a teacher, especially in high school where they don't see that often. Keep up the great work!
monkeyinpajamas wrote: Thats really nice of you to choose these warm and encouraging gestures of gratitude.
sonrisa wrote: So many teachers go unappreciated -- thank you for taking the time to share with her how special you think she is!

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