Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thanks To My Coach:

--by MtnGoat, posted May 19, 2014
I found my high school teacher from 30yrs ago online and sent him this note:

Hello Mr. D,
I hope this finds you well. Perhaps a letter would be more appropriate here but I will take this opportunity to send you a huge "Thank You".

When I first signed up for your art class, I was in 9th grade and at a somewhat difficult time. My good friend was on the shady side and I was near going down that path with him, when you convinced me to join the Nordic ski team. This ended up being a huge turning point for me and I credit you entirely.

At that time I held a certain amount of rebellion and anger towards my father. It was you who told me straight up what a good man he was and that I had wonderful parents. I really did need to hear that, and I'm glad you said so.

Finally, somehow you tolerated my total lack of talent in art. Thank you for giving me a chance, and setting me straight on many levels. I have only fond memories of our time together, skiing, training, rock climbing, and living.

I hope he doesn't need it like I did, but I can only hope my own son, now 13, will encounter such a wonderful guide/coach at some point. I'm sure you have touched many lives in a similar fashion. Thank you.

I wish you the very best,
- E
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Readers Comments

Theresa Corman wrote: Acknowledging the influence your coach and mentor had on your life is a wonderful act of kindness.
Rajni Gohil wrote: Your heart speaks well. Beautiful writings will inspire others to do this simple but effective way of kindness. Thanks for sharing this beautiful idea.
sara wrote: There are so many great people around but finding &appereciating them is wonderful.
Treehugger wrote: WOWW!! gave me goosebumps! :)
thumbsup wrote: Beautifully written and heartfelt!
dvoshe wrote: My dad was a coach and an art teacher and when he was very sick near the end of his life many of his former players shared their stories about the difference he made in their lives. It meant so very much to him and to me. You may have no idea what a beautiful gift you have given to him.

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