Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Little Bit Each Day

--by lafantasma, posted Feb 14, 2007

I have two young children, so I can be limited at times in what I can do for others, but I try to work something small in each day.  In the past few weeks, here are some of the things I have done:

-- I have taken my two young sons on a walk with a bag to pick up garbage.  My four year old had a blast! 

-- I let the person behind me in line at Wal-Mart go ahead, even though she had almost as much as I did.

-- I have a friend whose son attends the same preschool as my son, and she has 4 month old twins.  Knowing what a pain it is to get kids in and out of the car for just a short trip, I stayed in the car with my 11 month old and her twins so she could run her son in without the hassle.  And they never had to get out in the cold!

 -- Instead of giving my son's outgrown baby clothes to the easy place that picks it up, I drive 20 minutes downtown to donate them to the ChildHaven where children go when they are temporarily homeless.  I also give all outgrown toys to this place as well.

In the future, I plan to use the suggestion to bake for city workers, continue with my garbage picking efforts, and maybe when my children are a little older, start a graffiti clean-up group in my neighborhood (right now it would be too difficult).  I also regularly do volunteer Bible-education work, which I feel benefits everyone.

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Readers Comments

bhappy wrote: Children learn by example , your awesome...God Bless You.
reshmakurup wrote: Thats wonderful...Nothing like going and giving ur self what others need...right now,iam also in the process of collecting clothes, toys etc for an NGO for children,one of whose parent in the prison..

With best wishes
rocky78 wrote: :) Our actions always make a loud statement. Best Wishes with your future plans.
monkeyinpajamas wrote: wow.
I think sometimes what may seem like the smallest of sacrifices require a great deal of selflessness.
I bet your kids are going to grow up with kind hearts too!
Aiya wrote: Oh wow. Those are such great ideas! Usually I think of kindness as randomly buying things for other people, but these are such simple and inexpensive things to do! Thanks for the ideas! Kudos!

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