Stories by lafantasma (2 matches)

Living Like Paupers but Feeling Like Princesses

The other day, I was standing in line to buy my groceries, looking at a magazine.  The woman behind me, with two small girls with her, struck up a conversation with me about the movie star on the cover. 

She mentioned she was living in some weekly suites near the store, and was having a problem with the father  of the girls paying his child support.  I noticed the older little girl (about 4) was very excited about getting a cartoon plate set (the set that comes with a cup, plate, and matching silverware with the character on it), and there was another one in the cart for the smaller child.  I asked if I could purchase these for the girls, and she agreed.  Honestly, I didn't agree with some of the things about this woman's life, but I don't feel that children should bear their parents' burdens, and I wanted to do a little something to make their life more enjoyable.

1603 Reads

A Little Bit Each Day

I have two young children, so I can be limited at times in what I can do for others, but I try to work something small in each day.  In the past few weeks, here are some of the things I have done: -- I have taken my two young sons on a walk with a bag to pick up garbage.  My four year old had a blast!  -- I let the person behind me in line at Wal-Mart go ahead, even though she had almost as much as I did. -- I have a friend whose son attends the same preschool as my son, and she has 4 month old twins.  Knowing what a pain it is to get kids in and out of the car for just a short trip, I stayed in the car with my 11 month old and her twins so she could run her son in ... Read Full Story >>

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