Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thank you for your kindness!

--by ieiblue, posted Feb 16, 2007

For the past 5 days, I was down with viral flu and I wasn't really feeling well. My father lost his job, I've had trouble in my work and a lot more trouble I can only imagine.I can't help but cry. What keeps my sanity for these agonizing days? You guys in here - people I really don't know personally but by your never ending stories of kindness. I know at one point I'll be able to stand up and gain whatever helplessness I am feeling in my heart now.

I really just want to thank you for letting me feel your kindness here in my heart.

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Readers Comments

tambu wrote: Been there...and know how hard times can be... KNOW that you will be well soon and this too shall pass... wishing you great strength, comfort and love... BE WELL
austinfriends2 wrote: Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. Things can only get better. and you will all be strongerer.
misskarla wrote: Dear ieiblue, I have learned through experience, that when things get bad and maybe even worse with each day, it is the devil coming against you. He knows that God has a BREAK THROUGH coming for you. Satan loves more than anything to see your tears and unhappiness. Expect your BREAK THROUGH! I tell my kids that the harder things get the bigger God's blessing will be. Don't try to figure out what it will be or what day it will come because you'll be wrong. I always am. he he Just expect something big and look for it. It is coming! Now wipe those tears from your eyes and SMILE! The devil will hate that! All my love, you are in my prayers.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You are a big part of this kindness revolution too so thank YOU! :)
Samsonmybf wrote: I hope you feel better soon. Remember, God doesn't give you more than you can handle. You will come out of this stronger and wiser. God Bless you !!
monkeyinpajamas wrote: I really hope you feel better.Sometimes when you want to do something kind its a good reason to wake up in the morning!
My sincere wishes for your recovery and happiness.
pilgium wrote: we are all here for you.i think thats what
makes this site so great.god bless you &
get well soon
speedi wrote: keep on smiling,,feel better soon and until he finds more work maybe now is a good time for you and your dad to spend some quality time together
earthling wrote: Get well soon and wish a lot of goodness comes your way.
reshmakurup wrote: Dear Friend,

The only thing I can suggest you is go and take the Art of Living course in your area..Your life wont be the same again....TRUST ME>>
if you tell me which part of the world you are staying then I can help u find one...

with love

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