Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Thank you for your kindness!

--by ieiblue, posted Feb 16, 2007

For the past 5 days, I was down with viral flu and I wasn't really feeling well. My father lost his job, I've had trouble in my work and a lot more trouble I can only imagine.I can't help but cry. What keeps my sanity for these agonizing days? You guys in here - people I really don't know personally but by your never ending stories of kindness. I know at one point I'll be able to stand up and gain whatever helplessness I am feeling in my heart now.

I really just want to thank you for letting me feel your kindness here in my heart.

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Readers Comments

thaata wrote: I hope now you situation has improved and wish you all the best. Kindness stores when shares eases our pain to a great extent and gives us strength to withstand the temporary pain we undergo.
JoyNow wrote: Sending love and good wishes to you! Just know that sometime in the future you will look back and realize all the good that came from everything that happens to you.
Lotus wrote: Dear Friend,

I, too was touched many times by the kindness of others on this website. Someone had said " One kind word can
warm one's heart for years".

Please remember " Tough time won't last,
only tough people do".

And " trust the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding. Remember Him in every step of your way and He will put you in the right path".

My best,

Lotus :)
margot wrote: lovely web site made me smile ands pass ona"a child@s bracelet" to my daughter who made a similar gesture whilst visiting Russia through Love Russia some years ago and passed on her silver cross and chain, it brings a smile that perhaps this has been passed on again.
Aiya wrote: Kindness is such a wonderful thing. :) Just smiling and being happy boosts our immune system, so keep on smilin!!
jenwen wrote: yeh, coming onto this website really made me feel gd to.
hope you feel better soon and get back on your feet soon as well. god bless
Tripta wrote: Freinds I feel like Life is to leave if we don't find our satisfaction we feel regrate & we become impatient . but one fact is to be learn that :
Love is a ANSWER no matter the question.
auntydot wrote: ieiblue, all my love and good wishes are coming across the miles to you from me.
Passion4Life wrote: I honestly beleive that GOD never puts anthing in our paths that we can not overcome. Keep your head up and just think of all the things and people in your life that GOD has blessed you with. SMILE!
austin wrote: Get better soon.. Keep positive thoughts.. I am sending you all good wishes. austin

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