Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kind Carriers

--by mpghome2, posted Jun 17, 2014
Left a Dunkin' Donuts gift card for our mail-carrier today, with a note on a smile card -

"Just a show of gratitude, because among the bills and things we'd rather not receive, you bring us smiles in form of cards from family and friends, and magazines with articles we enjoy.

"There is always happiness inside our mailbox because of you. So here is a smile for you, hope it brings you some happiness, and a thank you for all you do!" 

I came home from the kids' soccer practice to find our card gone, and a note inside the mailbox -

"Thank you for the kindness, your note brought a smile to my face.and that was gift enough. So to pay it forward I will use this gift card to buy donuts for the Post Office break room. Have a great day."
3598 Reads

Readers Comments

sonrisa wrote: how sweet :)
unbijou wrote: That is great.
InsaneStar wrote: I don't mind you using my photo ;)
Valerie wrote: That was so nice. Sometimes we do not think of blessing people like the mail carrier. You have made me begin to think of those i can bless who are often forgotten. Thank you.
Nilamma wrote: Awesome:)i love this idea! :):)
Can't wait to thank my postman!
micah1116 wrote: That was very kind of you, and great that he was able to pay it forward : )
iman wrote: Very nice dear>>>

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