Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The gift that continues to give

--by myturn, posted Mar 2, 2007

I have always believed that people come into your life for a reason. With this in mind I met a man at work who had a drug problem. I knew because I used to.

Over the next 2 years we became closer and had long talks about his addiction. I knew I was supposed to help him, but I didn't know how. I had talked him into rehab and even took him to the center but every time he got out he would relapse. I thought long and hard until "IT" came to me.

I had to give more of myself, go on a leap of faith. I convinced him to try rehab one more time and when he got out I moved him into to my apartment, against the advice of those around me. Getting him out of his  earlier environment was the key. He never relapsed again. We just celebrated his 2 year clean date in January, after 23 years of abuse. He is still my roommate and has since helped me more than any friend I have ever had.   

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Readers Comments

kindnessrocks wrote: wow.... that was a huge leap of faith... i salute u on this ...
kindnessrocks wrote: wow.... that was a huge leap of faith... i salute u on this ...
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was very brave and caring of you!
sewingsphynx wrote: You listened to your inner voice instead of the voices of others. In this case it worked out. Sounds like you're good for each other. Keep on keeping on!
monkeyinpajamas wrote: Thats is one amazing story.
Keep up the great work...and it reminds me of a quote I read once,"Sometimes we can save the world one person at a time."
reshmakurup wrote: Dear Friend,

That is a very nice gesture. the best gift you can give your friend will be to make him do the Art of Living Course. These courses are taught in more than 160 countries with centrea round everywhere..
Do let me know where u live..

Meanwhile you can check few of our local sites.

With love and best wishes
Reshma Kurup
bangalore, India
Hope4lisa wrote: Way to go with your heart! So often the "wrong" thing to others is actually exactly what was needed.
God bless you both, and congragulations!
Grace wrote: Yes, wow! I do not know if I wold be able to do that but good luck to both of you - keep the faith!
speedi wrote: Thank you for listening with your heart and not your mind,,your a good friend..
lukeyluke wrote: Wow! That is an amazing story. It really shows how great the human spirit really is. You are truely an inspiration. You are his guardian angel.

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