Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Just a card

--by Flowers, posted Mar 9, 2007

My son and I sat down the other day and wrote a card to send to his Nan and Pop.  We do generally see them every week but they were having a particularly bad week so I decided we would send them a special card.

The night they received it, we got a phone call to say what a lovely surprise and how it had brightened their day.  Nan had a good chat with my son, and my son loved talking about the card and picture he had drawn.

A simple gesture but it allowed my son and I to let two people we love know it!


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Readers Comments

integrity wrote: Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi
What a lovely story its so uplifting to know there is someone that cares and shares when you hit a bad patch.

You can just imagine the joy nan and pop got when they opened the card.

Nice warm glow all around.

Afriendlysmile :)
gine wrote: shame-that's must have been such a nice suprise getting a card out of the blue-knowing even tho when you feel sad or blue-THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE OUT THERE CARING ABOUT YOU.(OTHER PEOPLE)...
GINE :-)
Samsonmybf wrote: I used to be my Nanas "penpal". I looked forward to her letters, just as she did to mine. I miss that. I hope you continue to write them !!
Happy Days !
sewingsphynx wrote: Thank God for grandchildren. They're #1 on the list of things to be thankful for. There's no better compensation for growing older.

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