Stories of Kindness from Around the World

What Goes Around Comes Around

--by SmileMU, posted Mar 12, 2007

I was at pita pit and decided that I would spread some kindness by paying for two drinks for the next customers. I left the person at the counter money for two drinks and two smile cards.  I told him to give the drink to somebody who doesn't purchase a drink and to also give it to two people who are not related.

I felt good about myself and felt even better later that night.  Later that night I went to grab slice of pizza for dinner.  After paying for the drink, I decided that I needed a drink as well.  When I told the cashier which drink I wanted and went to pay for the drink, the cashier said  "Don't worry about it".  I confirmed what he said and said thank you and walked away in awe.

After walking around the corner, did I realize what had happened.  I went back in the store and gave the person a smile card for that kind gesture.

Who would have known that karma works that fast.

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Readers Comments

raqui wrote: This shows that kindness is addictive. :) Yes Karma has a way of suprising you :) Hugs.
monkeyinpajamas wrote: =)
strange but true!
sheetal wrote: Karma, karma ....
who knows how it works... but the fact remains that if you sow an apple seed, you wont get mangoes...
Glad you are sowing seeds of kindness

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