Stories of Kindness from Around the World

All it Takes is Chalk

--by pinkie, posted Mar 20, 2007
Today, my friends and I had an early release day at school and got out at about 11:30.

We had decided to try to incorporate random acts of kindness into our lives last Sunday at our meeting for our charity group, Minga.

We brought sidewalk chalk to school and walked for a half hour from school into town writing nice messages on the sidewalk all the way. We came up with quite a few like, "Smile, it's sunny", "Peace", "Have a great day!", Give someone a hug", and "Be happy".

It was so rewarding to see people smile when they saw them and it's thrilling how such a small gesture can really make a difference!

Now, whenever one of us is walking home, we're always going to continue on the tradition!
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Readers Comments

josietn wrote: Love this idea! Thank you for sharing it!
Jeniffer wrote: Great idea!! We have TONS of sidewalk chalk...I'm gonna try it!!
Faye wrote: I think I will try this at my new neighbors home. "Welcome to the neighborhood, we are glad you are here". Can't wait for the reaction. Thanks for the idea!
optimist wrote: At my college campus people chalk things on the sidewalks all the time, advertising organizations and events and such... I will definitely have to start doing this!
psbiggs wrote: I love this idea. It can touch so many people. Each one can then pass it on with their smile or act of kindness because their heart was just changed by your chalk notes. Keep thinking outside the box to impact people.
Sylvania wrote: That was such a great idea! I would have loved to be one of those smiling at those words. I think I'll do that tomorrow when I walk to pick up my kids, I think the other kids walking home would enjoy that after a long day at school.
Flowers wrote: I love this idea. I will put some chalk in my child's stroller ready for next time we take a walk!!
Aiya wrote: thats so cute i never would have thought of that! i could so do that too, i love sidewalk chalk. kudos!!
klz16 wrote: Wow! what a great idea! I will def. keep that in mind! Great Job!
WhiteRose wrote: Wow, what a fantastic idea! I'm going to keep that in mind! :)

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