Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Grows: A Company Experiment

--by MsJava, posted Mar 20, 2007
I work for a wonderful company that promotes and encourages civic pride and community involvement.  Recently I suggested an idea to our Division President that he liked and has put the wheels in motion. 

We are calling it Kindness Grows and what we did was draw 8 names of employees at an all employee meeting recently.  Those eight people were each given an envelope that contained $150 and a letter instructing them that they had been chosen for a very special assignment.  They were to use all the money to perform an act of kindness for a person or people they have never met before.  They could team up with another team member and combine their money, they could recruit help from co-workers or family members to help come up with ideas and perform and document their acts of kindness to strangers.  They have about a month and a half before our next meeting at which time they are to share their experiences with the rest of us. 

I'll keep you posted.  I'm also starting a newsletter and hope it will inspire everyone in the company to think and act kindly towards everyone they meet and share their thoughts and stories via the newsletter.  Thank you for this site, it has been wonderfully inspirational to me.
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great idea! I'm sure they will each learn more than they ever imagined! I anxiously await the follow up!
asdf wrote: that is incredible! In fact, I'll suggest something similar at my meeting (for a charity group) this weekend! Thanks for the amazing idea!
sonshine wrote: Great idea on the "Kindness Grows" project MsJava. I look forward to your update. :)
sheetal wrote: What an inspiring initiative. Amazing, truly amazing...
Aurelia wrote: Great Idea! I love the newsletter idea. I am going to run that by my people at work. What a way to share our goodness with others. Peace.
sunnyday wrote: Great idea! hope everything goes well! looking forward to your update.

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