Readers Comments
JUSTme wrote: this is a good idea cause we dont usually speak to everyone and it brightens up others days =] like it did to mine xx
LOVEBUG wrote: I just stand on a street corner and wave and smile, I have noticed lately some people circle the block and come back to meet the person who smiled at them. It is a great way to kill time and I really enjoy the company.
gine wrote: good story-really!!!amazing how it works to do something good while you yoursels is not really in a mood for doing somehting like that.well now that you discovered that.i hope that you will keep doing so.cos even me myself discovered that.really it does makes you feel beta doing something for you know what to do when you feel that way again.but still always know that.when it feels like no one cares etc.always remember GOD IS ONLY A PRAYER AWAY.
GINE ;-)
GINE ;-)
maddy wrote: Amzing story sometimes it ideas like that may seem a little crazy but in the end your friends really appreciate it :)
MJ wrote: ITs the little things that really count!
earthling wrote: It's hard to find the courage to do or share the things that appear small. Glad you sent that message. And am sure you would have felt happy even if no one had responded.
Faye wrote: Nice touch - "tiny touches" may seem to go unoticed by most but it is actually the "tiny touches" that make things perfect in this world. Thanks for your efforts of kindness
papaya wrote: That is a really good story! It shows that you don't even have to leave your house to do something nice for someone. I love to send random family members and friends emails with a nice note and maybe a fun picture of me or a link to a website or video they would enjoy. :)
PearlyShells wrote: Thanks for the Great idea!
Rajni wrote: You made right use of social media to spread kindness. You also taught to try once more and don't quit. Thanks